As originally appeared on Sivana East on December 24, 2020
“Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one”-John Lennon
December is one of my favorite months of the year.
I especially love lighting candles, and most December holiday traditions include some sort of candle lighting. We light Chanukah candles for eight nights, Advent candles for four weeks, Christmas tree candles for several days, Kwanzaa candles for seven days, and winter solstice candles for one evening. This year, we are in luck: It is actually possible to light a candle just about every day in December! (Advent began on November 29, Chanukah on December 10, and Kwanzaa ends on January 1, 2021).
The tradition of lighting candles is an ancient one – people have been intrigued by the phenomenon of light and darkness for thousands of years. We often associate light with the positive and the spiritual and refer to darkness when we feel negative emotions, such as loss, hopelessness, depletion and sadness.
Looking back at 2020, it certainly was a unique year in which all of us were challenged in some way. It brought darkness to some, while others used the darkness as a stepping stone to look for the light. And for others, it’s been a year of light, because it allowed them to be more of who they are. Many of my clients have been delighted to finally be allowed to work from home and spend more time alone. For the introvert, corona and forced isolation definitely had a few positive aspects.
In the tradition of Chanuka, one candle – the Shamash – lights all the others, without taking light away from any of the other candles. It is like a messenger saying: “I am here to light you up and bring you light.” As we close the year, I want you to focus on the people who have brought you light. Who are they, and how did they light you up? Perhaps the love of your children brings you strength and vision, or maybe it’s your spouse or lover who is always there for you or a friend who believes in you.
Take a moment to think about those who helped make your year better and brighter. Once you identify them, express your gratitude. Let them know they made a difference, that they made your candle brighter or “lit your fire.”
And, for extra credit, take a moment to think about yourself. How can I light my own fire, inspire myself to do more, to be more or just be me? Remember, the light we give ourselves is the basis for giving it back to others.
Happy Holidays! I am grateful to be working with so many of you. It is an honor to be part of your life and walk with you. You inspire me to do better. I also thank my family and friends, who remind me each and every day that I am loved. I am grateful to God, Spirit, Mother Earth, the Elders, and the Travelers (fill in the blank to make it work for you), who remind me why I am here and are always willing to show me the way.
Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and as we say in German:
“Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr” – A good ride into the new year!
For the past 20 years, Dr. Barbara Schwarck’s mission has been to assist people to get unstuck and to change. To date, Dr. Schwarck, (CEO of Clear Intentions International) an award-winning, dual-certified coach with extensive academic training in Psychology, Management, Spirituality, and Kinesiology, has successfully coached more than 1000 CEOs, professionals, family businesses owners, and thought-leaders who want to be an effective leader, strong performer, clear communicator and/or difference-maker. In her private coaching practice, clients work with her on anxiety/depression, self-esteem, relationships, and/or personal growth.
Dr. Schwarck is also the creator of Neuro Emotional Coaching® a cutting edge coaching tool rooted in neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and its implication for leadership. And she is the author of From Intuition to Entrepreneurship: A Women’s Guide to Following Her Dream. If you are ready for a breakthrough, go to