Hi! I’m Dr. Barbara,
For most of us, life has had its ups and downs. Some years have been great, others just okay, and perhaps a few years have been really difficult. If you ask anyone around you, they will tell you that this is normal and that even the greatest person gets him/herself into a rut from time to time. What is not so normal – even though it has been promoted by society – is the fact that it is difficult to get out of the rut, that it takes a lot of time and energy to get unstuck, or that it is simply too late.

If I believed society, I should just shut up now, because according to society, you “can’t teach an old dog new tricks” and “change is hard.” These and other myths are advertised daily to deter us from even trying. However, the story doesn’t quite add up.
Along with these negative beliefs around change we are exposed to videos and stories of the “American Dream.” Happy movies and stories about overcoming all obstacles, teams winning, and someone making a fortune or finding love. So what is it? Is is nearly impossible to change – or can we actually change to live amazing lives?
I’m Dr. Barbara, I am the founder and CEO of Clear Intentions International. I have coached hundreds of individuals and corporate teams around the world and I believe that I can help you get unstuck, overcome your fears, get the girl or guy of your dreams, lose the weight and keep it off, leave the past in the past, get healthy or get pregnant. In other words, live the most amazing life you ever dreamed of.
How? Using my proprietary coaching technique called Neuro Emotional Coaching®, I will assist in rewiring your brain so you can make room to confidently manifest your dreams, goals, and aspirations. Together, we can get you started on your journey to an amazing life.

Clear Intentions International provides executive coaching that is designed to help professionals and global leaders overcome their self-doubts and limitations. Dr. Barbara works to facilitate client breakthroughs that will enable you to make sustainable changes needed in your life that will help you to accomplish your professional and personal goals.
Code of Ethics
At Clear Intentions International, we focus on each client as an individual. An individual who is their own expert on his or her life story. We believe that every client is creative, resourceful and complete.
CII embraces the International Coach Federation’s (ICF) Code of Ethics and definition of coaching:
produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations.Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life.”
Dr. Barbara speaks regularly at business conferences, as a guest on podcasts, and on zoom webinars around the world. Her articles on emotional intelligence, leadership, manifestation and attaining success have appeared in many publications, and she is the author of From Intuition to Entrepreneurship: A Woman’s Guide to Following Her Dream.