Welcome to Clear Intentions’ Muscle Testing App
Thank you for downloading the muscle testing app! We know that you probably have some questions about it, but first, let’s talk about Applied Kinesiology or Muscle Testing. What it is and how does it work?Applied Kinesiology or Muscle Testing
Performing a simple muscle test on yourself can be easy or difficult. It all depends on your willingness to be open to something new and different. A simple “self muscle test” involves asking your body questions by testing the muscle response in your fingers. For example, you may want to know if you are on the right track with your values or if those values are congruent with your wants.
There are many different ways to muscle test because there are so many muscles available to use. We find the simplest way is to do as follows. You can see a video of the process here.
Start with two questions to establish a baseline for yourself. For example, I can muscle test with the statement, “My name is Barbara,” a statement with which I should be congruent, and then try it again with, “My name is Butch,” a statement with which I should be incongruent. Practice two such statements until you find that you do not break the ring of your fingers with the congruent statement, and do break the ring with an incongruent statement.

Getting started with Muscle Testing
Use a statement that asks a question related to your energy state (mental and physical) right now. You want to use statements like, “I am OK with making $100,000 this year.” Avoid using statements to try to predict the future, as in, “Will I make $100,000 this year?” Another way to think of phrasing questions is as if you are asking, “Am I, or is my body, aligned with (x)?”
Ideally, use a statement that starts with, “I am okay with…” For example:
• I am okay with being successful.
• I am okay with being happy.
• I am okay with starting my own business.
• I am okay with making (x) amount of dollars.
• I am okay with making mistakes.
• I am okay with my intention to (x).
• I am okay with having (x) as a value.
• I am okay with my want to have (x).
Scientific Validation of the Mind/Body Paradigm & Muscle Testing:
If you are interested in learning more about muscle testing and its scientific validity, you can take a look at the study below. For more details on other studies visit www.onefoundation.org or email research@onefoundation.org.
What to Do When the Muscle Test Is Inconsistent:
1. Your body does not want to reveal the information. 2. You are too tired or not feeling well. 3. You doubt your own ability to muscle test yourself. 4. You may be dehydrated, feeling too weak, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Muscle Testing Tips When Testing Others
1. It can be helpful to say “hold” right before pressing so the person knows when to expect you to press down and isn’t taken by surprise.
2. When you press down gradually increase the pressure until you are sure of a weak or strong response. When testing yourself on the other hand, if you are using the thumb in the hole technique, it is better to use a fairly quick push outward to tell if you are going to break through the fingers or hold strong.
3. Tell the person being tested to “Resist a little more” or “Resist a little less” as needed until a good balance is achieved.
4. Remember that sometimes a person is not testable. Have them drink a glass of water. If still not testable, then wait until another time or use someone else.
What to Do When Your Muscle Test Is Weak or Shows You Are Incongruent with Your Goal/Statement/Vision
This information is not to take place of a Neuro Emotional Coaching Session but we wanted to offer some information on how to “clear” incongruencies or misalignments. One of the most effective ways to “clear” statements/goals/visions that we are not in alignment with is a process we call “forgiveness”. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and allow yourself to become present to your judgment you might have that are associated with your statement, goal or vision. Once you become present simply complete the following statements either inwardly or out-loud.
1. I forgive myself for judging myself for, … (fill in the blank). This could be for not being good enough, being angry, etc.
2. I forgive myself for judging name a person or situation for, … (fill in the blank).