Co-Dependency Could Hold You Back?

Recently, I had a coaching encounter with a client who felt stuck at work. We used muscle testing and Neuro Emotional Coaching® to analyze and uncover what was holding her back. I went through the usual list of statement to test her reality. So I asked her to make the following statements: • I am […]

Teaching Emotional Intelligence to Children and Young Adults

If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far. People tend to become more emotionally intelligent as they […]

Out of the Doldrums: 4 Easy Steps to Overcome Lack of Productivity

Does this happen to you as it does to me? I’ll be working, overwhelmed with work. I’ll be thinking I’ll never get to the bottom of the pile, never have a moment to exercise, never have time to sit down for a meal. Through it all, my adrenaline is pumping and my productivity is enormous. […]

Do You Have an Inner Caroline Kennedy?

A big part of my executive and life coaching practice is about letting go of whatever is holding you back. I help you find and identify inner demons that interfere with your business and personal success and overcome them. That’s exactly why a recent article that I read about Carolyn Kennedy resonated with me. If […]

The Law of Attraction – Does it Really Work? (Part II)

By now you probably feel you have heard all there is about the Law of Attraction. You have seen “The Secret,” you have read my article about it, heard about it on Oprah. Perhaps you are even doing your best to put it into practice. Good! What else is there possible to say about the […]

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