Let Your Light Shine Through: Five Tips to Get You Started

Five Tips to letting your light shine through

“DISCOVER WHAT IGNITES YOUR PASSION, THAT’S YOUR REAL JOB HERE ON EARTH. LET IT LIGHT YOU UP AND THEN FIND A WAY TO SHARE THAT WITH OTHER PEOPLE.” – CHARLES EAMES In my 20+ year coaching career, I have had hundreds, maybe even thousands, of coaching clients. Some I have adopted as my family for […]

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

Hard at work

Competitions are a great motivational tool for increasing performance. Findings of Coren Apicella and Johanna Mollerstrom, Professors who have studied competition among women and its effects on success and productivity. Women in the workplace are often reluctant to compete with other women, keeping them from success and perpetuating gender inequalities in the workplace. I can […]

Getting Unstuck – The Process of Rewiring

Getting Unstuck - Dr Barbara Schwarck blog

So, you are feeling stuck? What’s the big deal? Well, it all depends on what it has been costing you. I am talking about things like health, wealth, happiness, contentment, inner peace, confidence, peace of mind. You get it. The process of feeling stuck is a normal part of human evolution. What isn’t so normal […]

Overcoming Obsessive Thinking and Move On

I was working with a business leader the other day, talking about his perception that he would have greater success if he lost weight and felt better, less self-conscious, of himself in front of other people. He explained that while he wants to lose weight, and often obsesses about what he believes is a need […]

The Law of Attraction – Does it Really Work? (Part I)

The Law of Attraction is an idea that is widespread in New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits to never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of life is embodied in a “law of attraction”: you get what you think about, your thoughts determine your destiny. Louise Hay, the Queen of Affirmations, […]

What is Your Vision?

“I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Many years ago Martin Luther King had a powerful dream for the world. He dreamt of a world where people of all races could live together in peace […]

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