Why are People Dishonest at Work?

How important is honesty in the workplace? Many of us feel that we have to hold back parts of ourselves in our professional environment. We “show” up a certain way – usually less transparent at work – and are more open and transparent at home. But these days honesty and transparency can actually help you […]

The Joy of Setting Goals: 5 Easy Steps to Getting Things Done

How many of us have already given up on our New Year’s resolutions, still waiting to start that new exercise and diet routine, quit smoking or go to bed earlier?  Well, January has come and gone, and we’re now well into the first quarter of the year.  As a business owner or senior manager, you’ve […]

Tu’ B’Shvat: Sap Rising, Changing From Within

The Times of Israel

How are you going to catalyze your internal spring? How can you create a “rising of your own sap?” How can you reach into the gray of winter and warm up the ideas and thoughts and dreams so that you can bring them to the surface and actualize them by spring for yourself?

Can a Snowflake Break a Branch?

The Times of Israel

How many times have you given up because you felt  “nothing is going to make a difference?” How often have you sabotaged yourself before a major breakthrough? How much more will you turn limiting beliefs into a fact that guides your life like the North Star?

Don’t let your past define your future. Break free and live BOLDLY in your life and business with my free workbook. ➡️